1. Introduction

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of the Information Society Services Law (LSSI), you are informed that the website www.parkingestacionalicante.es has been created with the purpose of providing the general public with information regarding the operation of the Parking of the Avenida de la Estación de Alicante, its services and rates, among others. The user must carefully read this legal notice each time they access this website, since the conditions of use contained in this legal notice may be modified.

The ownership of the website corresponds to the company Corporación Empresarial Vectalia, S.A., (hereinafter, Vectalia) with NIF A-03002094, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Alicante, page A-2317, volume 1207 and page 11 and whose email address Email is info@parkingestacionalicante.es

2. Content

All the contents published here have been produced or acquired by Corporación Empresarial Vectalia, S.A., making every effort to keep them updated and taking at all times the measures considered most appropriate to guarantee access.

Corporación Empresarial Vectalia, S.A., is not responsible for the consequences that may arise from errors in the content that may appear on this website provided by third parties. Vectalia reserves the right to make changes or updates to its contents at any time and without prior notice. The contents that could be downloaded to the user’s terminal do not constitute in any case the existence of any relationship or contractual obligation.

3. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The intellectual and industrial property rights of this website and the different elements contained therein are the property of Vectalia or have been authorized to be used by it. The modification, copying, reproduction, download, transmission, distribution or transformation of the contents of this site is prohibited without the authorization of the owner or if it is legally permitted. Access to the website will not imply in any case the acquisition of any property right over the contents that appear on it.

Some of the contents of this website can be downloaded to the user’s terminal, provided it is for private use and without any commercial purpose.

4. Exclusion of Liability:

Access to this website, as well as the use made of the content published on it, is the sole responsibility of whoever does it. Vectalia will not be liable for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from said access or use of its contents. Vectalia reserves the possibility of initiating legal actions against unauthorized or inappropriate uses of the content published on this site, as well as for infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights.

As part of the contents of www.parkingestacionalicante.es, links may be offered, directly or indirectly, to Internet resources or sites that are outside this website. The presence of these links will have a purely informative purpose, not constituting in any case an invitation to contract products or services offered on the destination website. Vectalia is not responsible for the contents of the websites to which it may link outside its pages, nor for the damages or losses that may be caused by the connection or by the use of any content, product or service available on the websites to those to which the links are directed.

Vectalia will require the owners of the destination websites that are accessible through existing links on this website to make the corresponding commitment that their contents are not threatening, obscene, defamatory, pornographic, xenophobic, violating the dignity of the person or the rights of children, contrary to current legislation and in general whose contents do not incite or constitute the carrying out of a criminal offense.

Vectalia cannot guarantee the availability and proper functioning of the links to other websites. Vectalia will not be responsible for damages of any kind that may arise from the lack of availability of the site or any of its contents. This legal notice is only applicable to the existing content on the website www.parkingestacionalicante.es and is not applicable in any case to the content collected or services provided from third-party websites that have been accessed from the website.

5. Security

Vectalia is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur, nor for possible damage that may be caused to the user’s computer system (software and hardware) or to the files stored in it, as a result of the presence of viruses. in the user’s terminal used to connect to the services and contents of www.parkingestacionalicante.es, from a malfunction of the browser or from the use of outdated versions of the same, in particular and in general from a malfunction or failure to update any program necessary for the operation of the browser.

6. Personal data protection

For more information go to “ PRIVACY POLICY” and ” COOKIES POLICY